Sunday, September 9, 2018

September 9, 2018

Pictured above: a scene from a simpler time.....

I took a break after my horse passed away. I did some adulting - closets needed to be cleaned, bills had to be paid, and I even learned how to cook some new dishes. In addition to those things, my chronic illness and its crushing fatigue stole my time.  Being kind-of-sick but kind-of-healthy can breed apathy. Sometimes I just don't care about anything. Sure, I aim to seem like a productive member of society. I fill in the blanks by trying to have presentable brows and adjusting my resting bitch face. But it's a grind.

Enter (again): horses. I'm riding a little now. My helmet covers up my bad hair and breeches are basically leggings! I wouldn't go so far as to say horses lend me the wings I lack, but they give me a chance to clear my head.

My head isn't entirely clear during my rides; there is always equitation to be fixed. Right now I'm working on my mischievous left leg.

I tell it, "Why can't you be more like right leg? Right leg does what it's supposed to!" If my left leg could speak, it would tell me it holds the tension the rest of my body doesn't have. Fair enough.

The little horse I've been riding is saintly, solid, and fun. He's kind of a placeholder for what I plan to do next. Ownership again? Right now I'm a bit low on time and money. Leasing? I'm having a hard time picturing a lease situation during which i don't fall in love and end up buying the animal, or wanting to. I do have faith that things will work out the way they should, in time, and I have my tack/ blankets/ etc. stowed away. There will not be a getting-out-of-horses sale. I am too much of a hoarder.

Thank you for following me. I can't believe how many of you are out there killing it in the show ring, yet you read what I have to say. I'm humbled. Think of this post as a long tweet. I have a few others that were eaten by Word. Every time I try to access them, I can hear my computer belch and say: "THOSE were yummy. You're never getting them back!"

Happy late summer/ early fall!

Update: I found the old posts. They were stored where I wouldn't lose them.

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